This folder contains some basic statistics from DNS of fully developed thermal convection in pipes, with volumetrically uniform thermal forcing. Each folder, named after the corresponding values of Retau and Pr, contains the following files: * flowprop.dat - contains global information about the flow, including friction and heat transfer coefficients. The meaning of the columns is as follows # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 # reb, retau, 4*cfav, utau, uclp, uprmspk, ypk, prodpeak, ypkprod, disspeak, ypkdiss, d2u2dy2, d2kdy2, etapw, tb, tm, ttau, Nu, tclp, tprmspk, ytpk, vprmspk, ypkv, wprmspk, ypkw, uvprmspk, ypkuv, vtpk, yvtpk, prms2w, prsm2pk, yprms2pk, pwall * reystress_center.dat - contains the first- and second-order moments of the velocity and temperature fiels. The meaning of the colums is as follows # 1 - y^+ # 2 - U^+ # 3 - ^+ # 4 - ^+ # 5 - ^+ # 6 - ^+ # 7 - ^+ # 8 - ^+ # 9 - ^+ * tkebal.dat - contains the main terms in the turbulence kinetic energy balance # 1 y^+ # 2 P^+ - kinetic energy production term # 3 Eps^+ - total kinetic energy diffusion (dissipation + diffusion) * enebal.dat - contains the main terms in the turbulence therma energy balance # 1 y^+ # 2 Pt^+ - thermal energy production term # 3 Epst^+ - thermal energy dissipation (should be divided by Pr!) # 4 Vdt^+ - thermal energy diffusion (should be divided by Pr!) For any further information, please contact the author: