************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ DATA FROM DNS OF IMPINGING SHOCK WAVE BOUNDARY LAYER INTERACTION (M = 2.28) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ This directory contains files where the spectrum of the wall pressure fluctuations is stored. The spectrum is a function of both the frequency and the streamwise coordinate x. Files are directly readable by Tecplot. The parameters of the simulation are Free-stream Mach number ====> M = 2.28 Reynolds number based on the inlet BL thickness ====> Re = 16750. Incidence angle of the shock generator ====> phi = 8 degree gamma = 1.4 The spectrum is stored in formatted files named "wall_spectrum_ib.dat". The index "ib" refers to a specific block of the grid. The computational domain is subdivided into 64 blocks along the stream-wise direction (x coordinate). The overall size of the domain is 80.58 in the stream-wise direction (x). The reference length is the boundary-layer thickness at the inlet section (x=0). Each block consists of nx = 61 points uniformly distributed in the x direction. The last point of each block coincides with the first one of the following block. Files can be read as ************************************************************** FORTRAN CODE ************************************************************** open(unit=12,file='wall_spectrum_'//ib//'.dat',form='formatted') read(12,*) do j=1,nf do i=1,nx read(12,*) (spec(i,j,l),l=1,3) enddo enddo close (12) ************************************************************** where nf=61. The variables in the array spec are the following m variable ------------ 1 x (streamwise coordinate) 2 f (frequency) 3 E(p) spectrum of wall pressure fluctuations All variables are nondimensional. The reference velocity is taken to be the free-stream values. Spectra are normalized in such a way that their integral over frequency is unity for all x.