************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ DATA FROM DNS OF IMPINGING SHOCK WAVE BOUNDARY LAYER INTERACTION (M = 2.28) 06 / 12 / 2010 ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ The parameters of the simulation are Free-stream Mach number ====> M = 2.28 Reynolds number based on the inlet BL thickness ====> Re = 16750. Incidence angle of the shock generator ====> phi = 8 degree gamma = 1.4 The file "stat.dat" is a simple ascii file where wall properties (and boundary layer thicknesses) are reported as a function of the streamwise coordinate. It can be read as ************************************************************** FORTRAN CODE ************************************************************** open(unit=12,file='stat.dat',form='formatted') do i=1,nx read(12,*) (a(i,l),l=1,13) enddo close (12) ************************************************************** where array a contains the following variables m variable ------------ 1 x 2 cf (skin friction) 3 pw (mean wall pressure) 4 pwrms (root-mean-square of wall pressure fluctuations) 5 utau (friction velocity) 6 deltav (viscous length-scale) 7 delta99 (boundary layer thickness) 8 delta* (displacement thickness) 9 theta (momentum thickness) 10 delta*inc (incompressible displacement thickness) 11 thatainc (incompressible momentum thickness) 12 H (shape factor) 13 Hinc (incompressible shape factor) The reference length is the boundary layer thickness at the inlet. The reference pressure and velocity are taken to be the free-stream values.